Bandari Srinivas Institute of Technology Organized a National Level Technical Fest 2019 on 25/01/2019. Students from Telangana, Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Andhrapradesh,  Assam had presents Theire talent in the Fest in various streams like TECHNICAL PROJECT EXPO, PAPER PRESENTATION, POSTER PRESENTATION, TECHNICAL QUIZ &  SPEAK UP CONTEST, Managment of BSIT encouraged the students with attractive cash prizes of worth ONE LAKH.

Prof Dr A Goverdhan , Rector, JNTUH was the chief guest and Dr P Chendhrasekhar Reddy, Professor coordination, JNTUH was guest of honor. Students have enjoyed the day with lot of josh through cultural activities on the same day evening.

Prizes were distributed on 26/01/2019 by the Chairman of Bandari Educational Socity Sri Bandari Srinivas. Ramanthapure  polytechnic , VJIT, BSIT, KLE engineering college(Chikodi), Bharat Engineering college, RGM (Nandhyala) were few college which bagged prizes in the fest.


Techno Vision 2013, a National Level Students Technical Fest is organized on 1-2 March,2013 in the college campus. Consecutively this is the 8th time we are organizing this Technical Symposium. The event is organized for seven Departments such as AERO, CIVIL, CSE,ECE,EEE,IT and M.TECH.
The fest started with inaugural function on March 1st 2013. Mr. Velpuri Rama Rao, Vice President, Innovation Center, CA Technologies,Hyderabad was invited as Guest of Honour
For paper presentation event, eminent and experienced academicians from reputed institutions such as IIIT Hyderabad, JNTUH have acted as judges. Our Chairman Sri Bandari Srinivas garu presided over the function.
All the dignitaries released the souvenir containing 175 paper presentations of students from various parts of the nation.
We have received tremendous response form various Engineering colleges from several districts of A.P. We also received papers from outside of the state (Chennai).
Students from various branches have actively participated in events such as Paper Presentations, Poster Presentations, Technical Quiz ,Tech talk, Structure Making ,FloorPuzzles ,Circuit Debugging, Aero Modeling ,Flying Competitions ,Coding &Debugging ,Key Maestro ,Lan Gaming,Robotics,RocketPropulsion ,Contraption Electronic Wizard, Short Film Making,Treasure hunt.
Students won the prizes for their technical competence.
8th National level students Techno vision 2013of the of the Institute was successfully conducted by the students and staff under the convener ship of Dr. K.V.S.N Rama Rao, CSE department.

Techno Vision 2012

Every year we are organizing a National Level Student Technical Symposium named TECHNOVISION. This year the Seventh Technical Symposium was organized on 17th-18th March, 2012. Dr. Srnivas Koduri, the Vice Chairman IEEE, was invited as the chief guest for the occasion and who released the souvenir containing 125 paper presentations of students from various parts of the nation.
We have received tremendous response form various Engineering colleges from several districts of A.P. We also received papers from outside of the state (Chennai) .Students from various branches have actively participated in events such as Paper Presentations, Poster Presentations, Robotic Pro Lang, Treasure Hunt, Lan Gaming Photography, Short Film Making, Tech Talks, Contraption. For paper presentation event, eminent and experienced academicians from reputed institutions such as IIIT Hyderabad, JNTUH have acted as judges. Students won the prizes for their technical competence.
7th National level students techno vision 2012 of the of the Institute was successfully conducted by the students and staff under the convener ship of Prof. K.V.S.N Rama Rao, CSE department.